Big messy braidout
Normally I'm a salve to curl definition. Gels, Denman brushes, Tangle Teezers I've done and used just about everything for that perfect curl.
A few nights ago I didn't have any full bottle of styling products so I had to go into my stash of samples I'd acquired from different natural hair events. I asked my Instagram followers if they had ever used any of the products and I received some great feed back. One if my followers and friend in my head suggested I try a water and conditioner mixture. I was a little leery about the results so I added a little Design Essential's Daily Moisturizing Lotion, sectioned my hair into four sections, and plaited each section.
Fast forward to the next day my hair was big and soft!!!
I loved the amount of definition, it looked effortless.
Within a couple of hours my hair was HUGE!!! It just kept getting better and better. That's when I decided I was over flat limp curls and would rock a mega fro for a while.